What Makes Wood Cockroaches In Streator Different Than Other Cockroaches?

Wood cockroach crawling on a tile floor.

Cockroaches are some of the most dreaded and hated bugs there are on Earth. They're disgusting, dangerous, and can breed quickly. The average Streator resident wouldn’t care or be interested in learning about the contrasts between each species of roach, but it’s important to know. Every type looks, behaves, and responds to treatments differently. If you want to eliminate them with success, you have to be able to identify them accurately. Plus, understanding their habits will help you prevent and/or locate them more efficiently. Get the gist now on the very unique wood cockroach, and how Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators can assist in your efforts to eliminate them from your Streator home. 

What Do Wood Cockroaches Look Like? How Do They Behave?

Wood cockroaches range in size. They can be three-quarters of an inch to a little over one inch long. Color-wise, they’re a dark, chestnut brown, with tan wings. While the males have wings that surpass their oval bodies, the females have smaller ones that don’t function. Both have translucent stripes, spine-like legs, and long antennae.

Some of the major differences between wood cockroaches and other kinds are:

  • Outdoor based: These cockroaches prefer moist and wooded areas, and they need moisture and seclusion to survive. They’ll nest and breed in mulch, decaying logs, woodpiles, branches, and tree bark. Given that, they’ll only be indoors if they’re carried in with firewood. Other factors that draw them to your property are night lights and mating partners. If a male spots a female around your property, he’ll follow her. They may hide in siding and shingles.

  • Infestations rarely occur: Again, wood cockroaches thrive outside. So, if you see one, there’s a strong chance you have a few of them around.

  • Mild disease carriers: Though these insects can contaminate food and surfaces like their relatives, the diseases they spread aren’t as dangerous. They gravitate to sweets and starches.

  • No light sensitivity or skittishness: Wood cockroaches can be seen during any time of day. They also aren’t easily frazzled by approaching humans. They won’t quickly run away.

  • No gathering spaces: When indoors, these bugs don’t accumulate in a certain location. 

Considering their name, one might assume wood cockroaches consume all forms of wood. Thankfully, they aren’t like termites. They only devour natural matter, like rotting wood and leaves. Structural or furniture lumber isn’t of interest to them.

How Do You Prevent Wood Cockroaches?

Wood cockroaches aren’t as pressed to be inside your home or business as most other roaches. However, since there’s still a chance they could appear, and you want to do your best to prevent that. A lot of the precautionary measures you can take are simple:

  • If you bring firewood indoors, burn it immediately. 

  • Have wood piles distanced from your place and off of the soil.

  • Seal cracks in window frames, doors, and foundations; roaches can crawl through the smallest of holes.

  • Make sure the weather-stripping on your doors and windows are in good condition.

  • Put sweeps on all exterior doors.

  • Use yellow or sodium vapor bulbs for outdoor lights; bugs can’t see these as easily.

  • Maintain your lawn and greenery, and dispose of rotting wood, leaves, and branches. 

  • Repair moisture issues, like plumbing leaks.

What Can Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators Do About Wood Cockroaches?

Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators has been making insects and creatures flee from Streator properties for over 85 years. We’ve sustained because we believe in thorough examinations, custom treatment plans, continued checkups, and affordable care.

Our expert technicians will get to the bottom of why wood cockroaches are showing up at your home or business specifically. Then, we’ll provide the recommendations and services needed to keep them off of your property for good. You’ll be able to rest easy in no time. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection.

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